Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Die Putzbrigade / The Stucco Brigade

The progress on the building that is out my kitchen window (across the second courtyard from my building which lies between the first and second courtyards behind the street) continues. There were more men on the scaffolding that day than had been there in the first two weeks of my stay. During that time, they applied the insulating foam, then they applied a layer of stucco, and this day's work, I believe, was the application of the second/finish layer of stucco.

The only problem with this, fun as it's been to observe the progress, is that on the days that they work, they start at 7 a.m. About the time that I get up. I'm not complaining, but usually I like to shower after I get up, and if I look out my very clear bathroom window (which goes out from the shower), I see them very clearly. And, logically, they could see me very clearly if they were looking at anything other than their work. My strategy for dealing with this minor inconvenience has been to steam up the glass before entering the shower. But with the heat in Berlin of the past week, that has not seemed to be a good solution. Luckily, they haven't been working, so I can continue to bathe in the morning, stubborn as I am. I wonder if I'll get to see the scaffolding come down.

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